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Thighplasty (Thigh Lift)

Thigh Lift
What is thigh lift (thighplasty) surgery? Thigh lift, also known as medial thigh lift or thighplasty, is a procedure to remove excess loose and sagging skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thighs.

Mostly after bariatric or weight loss surgery, but also with advancing age, in some people there may be a large amount of excess skin and fatty tissue hanging from the upper thighs, resulting in an unsightly as well as uncomfortable appearance. This loose skin and fat is beyond natural tightening and cannot be improved with conventional measures such as exercise and dieting alone.

Thigh lift surgery is often sought by individuals with this loose skin and fatty tissue at the upper thighs. Using the latest advances in thighplasty surgery techniques, Manhattan Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Kaufman can make your thighs appear more trim, toned, and firm.

Am I a good candidate for Thigh lift surgery? The best candidates for thighplasty surgery are individuals in good physical condition, who have this loose, redundant, and inelastic skin following massive weight loss due to either conservative measures such as diet and exercise or from more drastic measures such as bariatric or anti-obesity surgery. The majority of thigh lift patients are those individuals who have stabilized their weight loss after losing massive amounts of weight.

Older women are good candidates as well, as the excess tissues of the upper thigh can be disruptive to daily life and even debilitating. In certain conditions, the upper thigh region can be managed with liposuction alone and not a formal thigh lift surgery. Dr. Kaufman will consult with you on whether thigh lift surgery is right for you.

Initial Consultation Prior to Thigh Lift Surgery. At your initial consultation, Dr. Kaufman and you will carefully discuss your aesthetic concerns with regard to your thighs, and define a tailored plan to improve their appearance. Your goals and expectations will be carefully considered and clarified.

Your medical and surgical history will be reviewed in detail, and a physical examination will be conducted. Depending on your aesthetic concerns and anatomy, liposuction, not a thigh lift, or perhaps a combination of both may be best suited. Dr. Kaufman will advise you which type of upper thigh contouring surgery technique is best for you.

What Type of Anesthesia do you need for thigh lift surgery? Thigh lift surgery is an ambulatory surgery procedure that is usually performed under general anesthesia. The procedure can be performed in a hospital or an ambulatory surgery facility, and may or may not require an overnight stay. Dr. Kaufman will consult with you and recommend the location of your total body lift surgery, and along with our Board-certified anesthesiologists will help you make the decision of which type of anesthesia is best for you.

How does Dr. Kaufman do a thigh lift? There are several different techniques for performing thighplasty. If the primary problem is excess fat with the overlying skin being relatively elastic and toned, the upper thigh can be treated with just liposuction. If a minimum or only a moderate amount of excess thigh skin is present along with the excess fat, then liposuction or a combination of liposuction and removal of the loose skin is warranted.

For situations where more significant amounts of excess thigh skin exist, the incision is placed along the inner aspect of the thigh and extended under the groin and buttock to minimize visibility. Although there are several different techniques for thighplasty surgery, the incision for removal and tightening of the skin, and thus the scar, is usually hidden in the inner upper thigh, and eventually fades.

The resultant tightening of the thigh skin removes the dimpled, cellulite look of the thighs, and enables you to show off your slim thighs in short shorts or even a dress or skirt. After careful consultation, Dr. Kaufman will help you decide on the best technique to optimize your results.

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